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Online Publishing

Editor-in-Chief, Michael Sampson

Royce Enterprises, Inc. mission is to provide our visitors with productive,
innovative, and constructive community-based broadcasts to aid in the development of positive listening and viewing. Our podcast and webcasting
shows will be produced for the mindset of self-empowerment, positive creativity, and independence. 


Thank you,

Mike Sampson

Greetings Everyone,
Recently, I have been doing extensive research among my family, friends, colleagues, and business associates. I also have been studying social behavior in books, magazines, and on the internet. Of all the success stories, there has been one thing that is a constant... time. It seems that timing is a fixture that can ultimately decide success or failure in any endeavor (especially major ones). Whether you are deciding on buying a house, getting married, starting a new job, or starting and expanding a business, if you don't know the time that you're living in, you will not be successful. Time surely dictates the agenda.


Most of us live our lives in an outdated agenda. Maybe not in all things, but at least in some. I have to ask myself the question almost every week... Am I conducting myself in the present or am I conducting myself in an outdated past? Is it time to reinvent myself again? Sometimes I laugh at myself, but when your life is reflecting back at you it is essential to maximize the situation. Think about it. How many times do people's actions and thinking seems to be as if they are still living in the 1990's or even into the 1980's? I'm not just talking about style of dress, but lifestyle.
In business, we must always wake up with the mindset to work. Business as well as in life at times can be tiring, and the longer you hold on, you'll realize that it is not a sprint but a marathon. You never really can have a total day off. Even if you take a vacation, your mind should steadily be in overdrive... Time dictates the agenda




What time is it? It is a time of renewal, regeneration, and revival. Out with the old and in with the new. The old way of doing business is on its way out; however, it is not going away if the new generation of thinkers is not up for the challenge. Business is a culture. It is the way we think, live and breathe. What time is it? Time for an image makeover, a re-inventing of oneself, and a deprogramming of once was is no more and a has been. The time of the acceptance of mediocrity is dead. Do you know what time it is?


Why? Why must we know the time, and what must be done? No matter what you know or think you know if you don’t know and understand the time frame you are living in, you will just be wandering in the past and wasting valuable time. The time will dictate what decisions we make in terms of how we conduct ourselves in our personal lives, in business, in our culture, and in the world. Time is the world in which we live. Time is asking us why. Why can’t I buy a house like my parents did? Why can’t I get married? Why can’t I travel? Why am I not interested in this or that? Why am I here? Why is the world so imbalanced? Why is everyone so divided? Why is there so much negativity? Why am I depressed? Why am I bored? Why can’t I get a job? Why can’t I afford college? Why can’t I have a successful business? Why? Why? Why? What time is it?!


It is simple. It is time for the real business people to step up. No one person can do it alone. Only a coming together of like-minded business people can deal with this. This isn’t for the faint of heart or the silly people. Will the real businessmen and businesswomen please step up? But please. This is no play thing. Thank you for reading and your time. May God bless.

Award Winning Publication in 2006

In 2006, The Rock was awarded the "Reviewers Choice Award" as The Best Online Ezine from Black Reference (

Jerry Royce, General Manager & Art Director

Baltimore native Jerry Royce Sampson entered CCBCMD (then Catonsville Community College) hoping to learn skills that would help him jump-start a family electronics business. He soon discovered that electronics wasn’t really his forte; his interests laid more in technology and graphic design. “My father always had an entrepreneurial spirit, and wanted us to start our own business,” Jerry says. “CCBC offered a variety of programs and gave me the opportunity to explore different things. I could find out what I really liked to do.” In the late 80s Sampson worked in the computer division at a local publishing company. Since the firm agreed to pay for company-related college courses, Jerry took graphic design classes at CCBC.


Jerry says, "Pursuing a Bachelors degree in business management or corporate designs was on his "wish list." After he graduated from CCBC in 1994, he later enrolled at the University of Baltimore (UB) with a minor in marketing and a major in corporate communications.  He graduated in 2003, and was promoted to Senior Vice President of their parent company, Royce Enterprises, Inc.


During his time at UB, Jerry started a small startup company called Rock Publications, which specialized in graphic designs and composition management. "A co-worker asked me to publish her collections of poems, but at the time we had no interest in that business... the opportunity did sound interesting... so we pursued it and it worked out. Small printing presses like Black Classic Press Books  and Black Digital Press had introduced a new on-demand printing press, and the demand for small book runs were there... self-published authors were standing in line for a chance to get published," says Jerry.

 Click on this link to read more about Jerry's story.

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